A guidebook for fostering the curiosity and creativity that solve everyday problems.

Creativity solves problems, engineers spaceships, builds brands and more. It makes everything go.

Many people think they're not creative. But being creative is really just being able to think differently. It’s looking at a problem in a new way and finding an unexpected solution.

CC Introduction page

Whether you’re an experienced “creative,” or someone who wants to develop more innovative thinking, this guidebook is designed to help you be a better problem solver, more strategic and—yes—creative.

Written and illustrated by Martha Bartlett Piland, the book contains:

  • 6 rules of thumb
  • methods for building creative muscles
  • brainstorming/problem solving techniques
  • idea incubating pages
  • blank pages to practice

The book is edited by Alexandra Reilly and Margy Walter.

Click to purchase "Culturing Creative" at left!

reader reviews

Culturing Creative has opened so many imaginative and creative possibilities for me! The book is chocked full of super fun ways to open your mind to new ideas. It will inspire you to think differently when problem solving. As a team leader, I’ve put into action several things I learned from this book. Our brainstorming sessions are now much more productive, respectful and fun! —Vickie B.

If you are looking for the creative spark or how to find that unique vantage point, Martha can get you there. "Culturing Creative" is a wonderful collection of tools and ideas for tapping into the elusive creative energy within us all. If you need creativity, you will want Martha and her ideas in the mix. —Steve H.

Great book to get the creative juices flowing! —James M.

CC sample page  CC sample page 2  CC table of contents

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