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MB Piland Strategy on Call

Become a higher functioning company with a better bottom line.

High growth organizations—from small to large—are faced with questions, opportunities and challenges at an increasingly rapid pace.

  • How do we manage our brand as we grow?
  • Are we missing sales opportunities?
  • How do we attract and grow a workforce that shares our passion and purpose?
  • How can we be sure our processes are growing (not hindering) the business?
  • How do we create new innovations to drive revenue and profit?

Strategy on Call™ is a subscription-based program specially developed to focus strategy, provide counsel and help brainstorm. It's available to clients after MB Piland completes their marketing plan. Monthly consulting with key personnel ensures accountability so that together we execute the plan, generate new ideas and seize new opportunities.

PR concept and media pitch + interview/appearance scheduled
New PR or social media concept
Brainstorming/ideation session with up to 6 people
Goal setting, issues and in-depth progress meeting
On-call availability to discuss your questions, metrics and concerns


Brainstorm sessions can be used to work on product development, a new program idea, a special event theme, brand alignment tactics and more. Let's talk about what you need to drive your organization toward more revenue and profit.

Strategy On Call packages start at just $1,500 per month. Call Martha for more info: 785.969.6203.

MB Piland Advertising + Marketing: Culture Quiz
MB Piland Advertising + Marketing: Health Check