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thumb Corgi MB Piland Haters

This is a social media case study of Ryanair. If you're not familiar with them, buckle up. It's not just their planes that have "firm" ("hard") landings.

For example, should brands taunt customers who complain? Test your knowledge...

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Swiftie bracelets cropped

A Marketing Mastermind

“What if I told you none of it was accidental?"

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bees photographed by Ante Hamersmit

Customers can be rude. Demanding. Short-tempered. The post-pandemic world has created a new host of irritable people who are the bane of customer-facing employees. Emerging from the confines of the pandemic, these customers are like an angry swarm of bees on a mission to get their way, even if they have to sting a few people to do it.

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exercise your brain for innovation copyWhile many people say they want to be more innovative and solve problems better, they tend to get stuck in comfortable routines. Alas, a comfortable brain quickly becomes a lazy brain. In this new year, resolve to put your brain on an exercise regimen and find new power in your ideas.

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daria durand Noise unsplash cropped copyIn the day-to-day rush, it’s easy to get dazzled by new, shiny ideas. Business leaders can find themselves asking, “Wouldn’t it be great to have a new video?” or plunging headlong into planning a special event with lots of glitz—without asking how success will be measured and if the effort will move the company toward its goals.

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MB Piland Advertising + Marketing: Culture Quiz
MB Piland Advertising + Marketing: Health Check