Shadow Day 2024 is concluded. Watch this page for news about Shadow Day 2025.
By popular demand, we're accepting applications for a job shadowing day like no other.
We're looking for 6 smart, super groovy college students to join us in our downtown Topeka, KS office on Friday, April 12, 2024.
Consider it your pre-graduation real world test drive. Buckle up.
Get exposure to real agency work, with an opportunity for questions, discussion, networking and fun. Students majoring in business, marketing, advertising, communications or design may apply.
The experience onsite will include:
A sample marketing strategy meeting
- Hands-on creative exploration and critique
- Brainstorming exercises
- Catered lunch
- Interviewing and portfolio tips
- Social media DOs and DON'Ts
- Q&A
Apply online here by 5 pm CST March 25, 2024.
This is a competitive process. No more than six students will be selected. We'll let you know if you're selected latest by March 29. Students will need to sign an NDA and be dressed for a professional meeting. The event will be from 9 a.m.–2 p.m. and includes lunch.
Questions? Call or