Kill the silos, not the messenger

SizzleDoes your organization make outbound calls to support your issue or invite people to an informational event? Here's a very, very wrong way to go about it...possibly the worst voice message ever.

But it's premature to shoot the messenger.

This is an actual recording of a message left on our company voice mail this week. (With incriminating details bleeped out.) At first, I thought it was a parody, but alas, it's real. It's only 19 seconds—listen.

The caller promotes a webinar on how to boost employee engagement. By the tone and pace of her delivery, it's obvious that she couldn't be less engaged with this company. This is brand damage from the inside out.

The execution matters
The next time the company looks at analytics, I can almost guarantee someone reviewing the numbers will say, "Well, that webinar idea was terrible. We didn't get anyone to sign up."

I think the webinar idea was probably a good one. It just wasn't well executed from beginning to end.

It's easy to blame
It's not always easy to pinpoint why strategies don't work. One way to look deeper and find the real answers: make sure silos aren't getting in the way of planning and execution.

Involve people from different deparments (training, HR, marketing, IT, etc.) and expect individual accountability for the whole.

  • make sure callers are trained
  • have a benefit-oriented, branded message
  • rehearse
  • secret shop for quality control
  • tweak if necessary
  • measure

The results will be completely different.

If you need help pinpointing ways to make outreach and marketing deliver stronger ROI, call Martha at 785.969.6203. 

Tags: silos, internal brand, marketing strategy, sales

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