3 ways employees can add ZING to your ad campaign

pinklighteningFocus groups are wrapped and results from the consumer panels are in. You're ready to launch a new ad campaign and WOW the world. Will you WOW your employees, too? Here are 3 reasons you should.

employees have a wealth of insights
Something you think is clever or funny or insightful may not stand up to real life. And focus groups and panels are reliable to a point. But employees who are talking with customers, vendors and strategic partners on a daily basis have their fingers on the pulse of your brand. Take advantage of this wealth of knowledge you already have by involving employees in development. Let them feel the power of being insiders. Your campaign will be stronger and they'll feel pride that their ideas were heard.  

oversights sting
If employees know nothing of the ad campaign before it appears in the media, they may feel slighted when they do get to see it. Even if they're not hurt, they're definitely not feeling included. Those feelings separate and distance them from your brand—and that will be felt by your customers. Instead, help employees feel like—and be—insiders by letting them know about things first.

your name in lights
When employees are proud of the brand and love what they're doing, they can't help but spread the word. Who wears the company logo on a hat or sweatshirt when they're out of the office—and who doesn't? Can employees share their connection to the brand on social media with pride and excitement? If you've got your internal brand in sync with your external brand, employees will do this and more. That makes your marketing message reverberate into media money can't buy.

For more ways to crowdsource inside your company, read our related blog piece here

Tags: internal brand, brand alignment, employee engagement, advertising strategy, brand value

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