What will you NOT do for your brandMany organizations have spent a significant amount of time thinking—and talking—about what they will do.

“We will deliver excellent service every time,” or “we will always be at the forefront of innovation.”

But what won’t you do?

The "won't" statements are important because they help fully define your overall belief system. They help employees know what to do to help further your efforts—and where to draw the line. When used properly, everyone makes better decisions. That helps ensure the authenticity of your brand.

we won't
At MB Piland, there are four statements about what we won't do in our Beliefs. One is:

"We won’t be 'yes men.'"

That means we’ll always offer our real opinions and (hopefully) diplomatic advice. Clients don’t pay us to agree, they pay us for our expertise. Anything else would be disingenuous. That's a dearly-held belief in our culture. It isn't always easy, but it's part of our DNA.

really, what won’t you do?
Take some time this week to think about this. Stretch yourself. Examine your practices. Make a written list and keep it at your desk for a few days. Let it settle, then share it with other leaders in your organization. See what resonates, then adopt some "we won't" statements formally.

I’m convinced that this will help you build a stronger organization—and a stronger brand.

Let me know what you develop, and I’ll send you a Moleskine notebook for keeping tabs on this and other big ideas. Email me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you need help developing a better mission statement, core beliefs or other brand infrastructure, call Martha Bartlett Piland direct at 785.969.6203.


MB Piland Advertising + Marketing: Culture Quiz
MB Piland Advertising + Marketing: Health Check